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Airport Route
route code: A
Some rough pavement on this one, but there's also a wide and long road that's virtually traffic free. We don't use this route regularly because it's too dark after sunset during Standard Time and there can be a lot of flying insects in springtime. We've never settled on a set of directions for the last half of the route.
- from Central Park at 4th and C Streets, head south on C Street, crossing 3rd and 2nd Streets to Aggie Lane
- turn right, then left to head south to the bike path entrance
- head west on bike path through traffic circle and parking lot to stop sign
- from stop sign, cross A St. to continue westward on Hutchison Dr. to the stoplight on the other side of campus
- take crosswalk west, then south to bike path
- take bike south
- take 1st right turn eastward
- bike path ends--continue east on Health Science Drive
- Health Science Drive curves southward to T-intersection with Garrod Road
- right on Garrod Road
- left turn south when you see the "NOT A THROUGH STREET" sign
- right turn along sheep pasture
- paved road eventually turns north on Hopkins Road, where you'll see the airport on the right
- right on Hutchison Drive
- left on tree-lined Olive Tree Lane
- the route varies each time from here, but we usually zoom around West Davis and elsewhere before returning to Central Park
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