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Airport Route

route code: A

Some rough pavement on this one, but there's also a wide and long road that's virtually traffic free. We don't use this route regularly because it's too dark after sunset during Standard Time and there can be a lot of flying insects in springtime. We've never settled on a set of directions for the last half of the route.

  1. from Central Park at 4th and C Streets, head south on C Street, crossing 3rd and 2nd Streets to Aggie Lane
  2. turn right, then left to head south to the bike path entrance
  3. head west on bike path through traffic circle and parking lot to stop sign
  4. from stop sign, cross A St. to continue westward on Hutchison Dr. to the stoplight on the other side of campus
  5. take crosswalk west, then south to bike path
  6. take bike south
  7. take 1st right turn eastward
  8. bike path ends--continue east on Health Science Drive
  9. Health Science Drive curves southward to T-intersection with Garrod Road
  10. right on Garrod Road
  11. left turn south when you see the "NOT A THROUGH STREET" sign
  12. right turn along sheep pasture
  13. paved road eventually turns north on Hopkins Road, where you'll see the airport on the right
  14. right on Hutchison Drive
  15. left on tree-lined Olive Tree Lane
  16. the route varies each time from here, but we usually zoom around West Davis and elsewhere before returning to Central Park

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